Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Up to No Good. . .

A well-loved Harry Potter Quote
It's been a crazy week.
Congrats to Calvin for winning the Blackhawk Middle School spelling bee. There are all sorts of comments or jokes I could make but the truth is middle school is turning out to be a great time not to comment or joke. Yes, I have learned this the hard way more than a couple times. Seriously, congrats to Calvin and I'm sure you know, if you know me, that he didn't get this talent from me. I'm the worst speller on the planet and even Mary caught my typo on my new flashcards. . .  "Gallup". . . moments before they went to print. It's true. I can't spell. But lucky for Calvin and Mary some genes must be recessive.

I've been sick the last three days. The nasty kind of sick. So has Mary. This afternoon I was trying to hack through some choir music before rehearsal tonight, which by the way was not one of my shining moments, and Mary was lying on the couch listening. She asked me if I got to keep the music. I told her I make copies so I can turn pages more easily and so that I can write stuff in color in the music. I keep the copies in my file so I can use them again.

So later at choir, after a particularly botched sight-reading attempt, I looked at my music for the next piece and there was a gold star and "I love you, Mama" printed at the top. I just happened to have practiced the wrong arrangement of that particular piece AND was disoriented from my mistake AND feeling pretty puny to begin with. . . but the little gold star fixed it all.

I had about the worst hour and a half of my musical life. . . but I still got a gold star, from my baby.

Mary also brought me her blankie and several stuffed bunnies yesterday.

Virus? Food poisoning? I don't know, but as it turns out compassion can also be extremely contagious.

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