Sunday, June 14, 2015

They Could Have Danced All Night

You probably know the ups and downs of my love affair with dance. This year we did dance again. This is the fourth local studio we've tried. I already told you how much I loved Mary's ballet teacher. Old school. Here is the jazz and tap update.

This isn't our first dance rodeo. Things always seem to go along pretty good right up until the recital at which point I usually get dark and swear on a stack of bibles that we will never do dance again. The $100 costume for the 180 second dance. The girls staring blankly into the audience while they shuffle step and four hours into the recital you are wishing there was a cash bar at intermission.

Last night was completely different. Last night at the dance recital I was enthralled. It was an amazing show--well more like a dance party--but let me back up a little to the at home preparations.

The girls were asked to wear full make-up. I pretty much botched this for the dress rehearsal and Mary looked even worse when she got home, after rubbing her eyes all day. Raccoon at best, rock star the morning after at worst. Stage mom failure number one. So--for the real show I took my time. I thought her makeup looked very pretty and we were all admiring my artistry and especially the bright red lip liner I had painstakingly applied with delicate Monet brushstrokes.

"Okay, Mama I'm gonna brush my teeth now."
WHAT! I yelled.
YOU CAN'T GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH. We'll have to do the lips all over.

I see the bottom lip start to tremor.

 I scream at her. (Stage mom failure number two)
The thought of that mascara all running down her face put me over the edge.

I looked up at her and my outburst was so over the top ridiculous that we both burst out laughing. Crisis diverted. I wiped off the lipstick, she brushed her teeth and while you can't paint a starry night again, I did my best to recreate the effect.

Fast forward to the closing awards ceremony. Many trophies were given out--this isn't our main deal so Mary was not expecting an award and she cheered her peers on without reservation. Then it came time for the parent's award. Alas "The Sequin Queen" trophy, given to the most dedicated parent was given to another mother. Calvin leaned over, took my hand, and whispered, "better luck next time, Mama." My total volunteer hours at the dance studio this year? Zero.

Alas the show. The show was three hours but went by so fast because it was so much fun watching these kids. From the high end competitive kids to every recreational group, the kids were having a ball. The Apple Valley High School stage is at the same level as the audience and we were all so close. Everyone called the kids by name in their appreciation calls and it was like we were all one big family there in the hall. It almost made me want to bring a hot dish for the pot luck next year.

What made it have that something that drew me in? It had that underdog edge to it, of kids working to their limits and pushing through and bringing their own personality and artistry to the music and the moment. You don't know how to describe it and it has nothing to do with perfect technique but you know it when you see it. And you can see it on their faces. The expression was in their bodies but it was also on their faces and in their eyes and it crossed over the risers and into our hearts.

The center male tap dancer in the picture above is the son of the owners and he's a graduating senior and they honored him with a solo tap dance to the pop song "Uptown Funk." He had the most awesome grin and never broke eye contact with the audience till the final standing back flip of the night. Congrats Gayle and Robert! You got a great dancer. You got a great kid.

I thought about the famous and local musicians who always look like they are having a great time. Louis Bellson. Bill Henry. Tim Woolsey. Their love of the music shoots like an arrow to the audience.  They are having a great time, so we have a great time watching them.

Maybe to a certain extent this is something that can be trained. Jeepers I take things so seriously most of the time. Maybe we have to be a little more of an actor here and there. We love music--it ought to show. Let it go and enjoy the ride.

In any case--congrats to Mary and Taylor and all the kids from the studio whom I don't know because I never volunteer. It was a great show and I loved every minute of it.


  1. Mary looks fantastic and her make-up looks great! Beautiful!

  2. Thank you Sara, we love Mary and that smile. Gayle and I is gratefully to have all those wonderful kids and parents that understand what we are trying to do here at TPDS.
