Sunday, April 5, 2020

It's A Good Day for Music ~ It's a Sad Day for Music ~ Doris Harrel

It's a sad day for music. This morning our dear Doris passed away.
When I got the email from Vickie,  Calvin was upstairs practicing a Chopin etude on her piano.
Then, a half hour later two of my students performed their Zoom Book One graduation recitals with an audience from Israel, Germany and all over the United States.

It's a good day for music. I have another Book Three recital this afternoon.

There are blogs and blogs and more blogs to write about Doris. We can all share our stories. Write me your stories. . .

To me she was the mother of Suzuki Piano.
The message in the music was everything to her.
The day I met her my life took a different direction.
We met in the lobby of the UT music building and I knew in one conversation that this was it.

Well. . . there is much more where this came from, but I need to get ready for the next recital. When Ralph passed away the music came first and she taught at the workshop. She found healing in music and we will too.

It's a sad day for music.
It's a good day for music.


1 comment:

  1. Sara,
    I'm sorry.
    With Christ as Lord of heaven and earth, how can we keep from music? It is our prayer of thanksgiving and our dear ones' legacy. Like our most precious souls, the music lives.
    I love you.
