It was the last weekend home with nothing to do before the holidays.
On my fourth trip taxiing folks back and forth to church--since you asked--once for myself and choir, once for Calvin and youth band and cherub accompanying, once for Bill and Mary for actual church and then to pick up the kids after choir after church--thank goodness we live 3 minutes and 47 seconds from church, unless you miss the left-hand traffic signal, which then adds 1:30, enough time actually to put on some lipgloss if necessary. I digress. On the fourth trip, I heard Kenny Loggins' Celebrate Me Home on the radio.
I love this song. It took me right back to driving home from Texas for Thanksgiving. I could leave after my gig at 2:00 a.m. and drive straight through, napping in Dallas, and make it home in time to sleep in my own bed. In those days I could drink a six pack of Mountain Dew and not be awake for the next week. I would listen to that recording of Celebrate Me Home over and over again for the last three hours in the car--basically from the Iowa border to Tipton. Singing in full voice helped keep me alert.
Play me one more song,
that I'll always remember
and I can recall whenever I. . .
find myself too all alone
I can sing me home. . .
This weekend was a different kind of celebrate me home. It was just a weekend at home. We are now a ONE unit of storage family, instead of TWO. That feels good. I had lunch with a friend, Bill and I had a great dinner out together and I got to bake with another friend while the kids played fort--dragging every music stand and blanket out.
I miss my sister. I wish we could be together at Thanksgiving and a longer Christmas. I don't really wish she and I were making the drive home to Iowa from Texas together. . . some things are better left as a memory. A road trip with cats and dogs in subzero temps is never really a great idea.
I had to have the talk with Calvin again about singing harmony on the unison liturgy at church.
Last night I had another kidney attack. However, I followed my instincts and it didn't escalate. I'll bring my data to the doctor on Friday. My brand new washing machine is leaking water this morning. Suburban problems.
But, I'm singing a happy song. I'm happy to be home and not in the ER. I'm happy to be home and checking things off for Calvin's recital and Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to my mother coming to visit. I'm looking forward to holiday traditions with Bill's folks.
I'm celebrating me home.
Extended Live "Celebrate Me Home" Link