Friday, May 8, 2020

Time, Talent, Treasures, Trees ~ the 7th Aspiration ~ Resources

May 8. . . it's been eight weeks of the COVID19 stay at home order.

Our social distancing scorecard? Probably about a B+.  We've done pretty good. I don't know. Maybe not so good? What is good? Maybe we are at a B-.

In eight weeks I've been to Kowalskis about three times, Costco twice, Target twice. One socially distant picnic. The kids went on a walk with Maggie. One student came for his Zoom recital because he didn't have a piano. A couple porch visits. One trip up north. This weekend we are going south. Gosh, maybe we are failing at this.

That is a man 70 feet up in our tree.
People are getting restless. Political. Dark hair roots. Dark Facebook posts. Spring break pedicures have long since grown out. Lucky for me I have a garden. I'm spending every spare minute there. The garden knows no vanity.

My seventh aspiration is the aspiration of resources. Wise use of resources. I'm giving myself a C+ on this one. Maybe that's too rough.

In Austin I was a minimalist. By choice and not by choice. My apartment was 400 square feet. I was a single piano teacher playing in a band and also working at a bank in the mornings. I didn't have much space or disposable income. There wasn't room or money for an extra set of towels. But that was 22 years ago. Now it takes a greater intentionality to be mindful of resources. Now we have to read books about Sparking Joy and cutting back. Now we have more choices.


Our church added trees to the stewardship list a few years ago and I keep it there, well, because I love trees and my grandpa planted forests of trees and its just seems like part of our family story. We took down a huge tree in our ravine last weekend. It was threatening the house. I say we. . . we is the man who scaled the tree and cut it down limb by limb, trunk segment by trunk segment with spikes on his shoes, ropes, and a chain saw in one hand. When he was back on the ground he smoked a cigarette. I have planted a lot of trees. Sometimes they talk to me, sometimes I talk to them. The oldest ones have a lot to say. I give myself an A on trees.

Time. All we have is now. This week I took the Facebook application off my phone. I'm reading Cal Newport's book Digital Minimalism. It's not just that computers and phones are BAD thing. . . like I've always said about screens, it's just what you might not be doing while you are doing the screen. And for those of us with addictive personalities, it's something to be careful about. Cal asks us to quantify the value? How does Facebook make me feel? What is its value? I like keeping in touch with the community. But. . . a lot of time I get sucked in and actually come out with a lessor opinion of my "friends." I joined Facebook to say happy birthday, not to see the dark side of humanity. I could write whole more blogs about the resource of time. Calendar blocking, is one thing that helps me be happier. It helps me not think I can do more than I can do in one day. I'll write about that another time. Still during the COVID19 time. .. I give myself a B. Like the popular meme, we are all floating at sea in a storm with sharks trying to finish our novels in life boats and wondering why we can't get it done.

Talent. Suzuki teachers don't believe in talent. We have a growth mindset. Still. . . how we use the gifts we have is a big deal. Probably I get an A+ in this one. I have done my time volunteering for SAM, SPTG and the SAA. Not to mention ADMTA and HOT in Austin. I've pushed my student load to the limit more than a few times. Fifteen years off and on of church choir. Twelve years each of teaching my kids piano. Yep. A+.

Treasures? Our money. Our homes. Our finances. Something very personal that every person or couple must go through and set their values. Sometimes we are lucky enough to have choices. Other times not so much. Bill and I try to be generous but I'm sure there is room for growth there. To whom much is given much will be expected. When we have enough, it is incumbent upon us to give back in as many ways as possible. Charitable giving is just one part of that. Opening up our home again and again and again is another. This home is for sharing. Our cabin is for sharing. The garden is for sharing, even though this year only the UPS gal and passers by will see it. I think all in all I give myself a B-. I have been known to buy some clothes and plants that were not exactly on my necessities list. I'm not chasing a minimalist garden or closet. I don't take that for granted.

The resources all blur together in the final analysis. Time is money, talent is time. Trees are treasures. Like everything else in life it all requires mindfulness, and periodic assessment. Sometimes when we have time we have no money. When we are using our talents to their fullest we might have financial resources but no time. It all weaves together. Regardless, gratitude is huge, in times of want and in times of plenty. I feel a strong sense of accountability for everything that I have been given. . . read. . . Lutheran guilt. . . still... to whom much is given much will be expected.

I do have a heart that wants to share it all, and I hope that goes a long way in my final resources grade, even after the Gertens Greenhouse trips.

Thank you for all the gifts you give us. Our time, our talents, our treasures, our trees. Help us to be mindful and generous, open our doors to serve others with all our resources. Give us eyes to see where there is need. Amen