Monday, April 15, 2013

Easter Serves, Easter Sings. . .

Our church, Easter Lutheran, is kicking off a capital fund drive, with the goal to make an education and administrative addition to the lake site, a new commercial kitchen at the Lake, and an update to the Hill kitchen, among other improvements. The primary goal is to expand our community outreach by using the kitchen in cooperation with the Eagan Resource Center and other partnerships. The Sunday school at the Lake has long since outgrown it's space and updating the worship areas will add to the aesthetics of the worship experience. We have a great message and great music--but there is something to be said for inspirational spaces as well, especially in this context where the space is very flexible and will add to our direct involvement with the folks in need right here in Eagan.

Our church has two campuses. The Hill has more traditional liturgical services, with organ and a classical adult choir, children's choirs and handbell choirs. The Lake site has the more contemporary praise band led worship. My kids insisted that we go to both locations on Easter Sunday, even though I was already booked at the Hill for four services with the choir that morning. We call that double dipping. . .  There are a lot of us who enjoy both styles of worship. Both locations share the same leadership and clergy who alternate preaching between locations. In the summer the Lake services are outdoors--which, having the lovely view of the lake and trees--is not in need of an update. . . nature can rarely be improved upon.

All this info is really just an excuse for me to post a couple links to some the music my family has been involved with at Easter.  If you are not a blood relative you might be terribly disinterested, I realize this. In any case. . . here is Calvin accompanying the Cherub Choir, under the direction of Ginny Blood, and our senior choir at the 11:00 a.m. Easter morning (the fourth service that morning. . . we may have peaked at the third. . ) singing the Beethoven Hallelujah Chorus from the Mount of Olives, under the direction of Kris Henry, our organist and music director.

Mary sings with the Choristers, under the direction of Shirley Erickson

Link to Calvin and the Cherubs: Peace Like a River

Link to Easter's Senior Choir: Beethoven Hallelujah from the Mount of Olives

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