Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Finished It

It is finished. Yesterday I made a video of the Debussy and put the finishing touches on the Suzuki Association of the Americas Teacher Trainer application. It took me eighteen months from start to finish. As I got up from the piano after playing a take that I thought was acceptable it was all a little anticlimactic. One phrase after another and then it's over.

Why did I do this? Not sure. Nothing is really missing in my life. I'm not chumping at the bit to go do more summer institutes and I'm highly suspect that I have anything to share with the world at large anyway. Still, someday, when my kids are a little older I can organize some teachers and God willing be a conduit of those whom I have observed several hundred hours of. . . the Doris Harrels and Caroline Frasers of the world, which to be clear, we do not aspire to duplicate, but to find our own authentic voice, through the mixed up experiences and unique perspective, that we hope to bring to the surface, by surrounding ourselves with the most excellent people we can find.

Maybe I did it to prove that I can. Maybe I did it to please Doris.

There is still so much to learn. A dozen hours of private coaching with Kathie Faricy just reminds me of how far there is to go. And there are still so many people I want to learn from--Fay Adams and Chris Liccardo and Marina Obukovsky and Irina Gorin. How do they do it?

I did it because I believe in the mother tongue approach. I believe in the Suzuki triangle. I believe that every child can. I believe in a one point lesson. I believe there is no substitute from starting very young and that it must be done very carefully with great love. I believe that we need a next generation of Suzuki Piano teachers and while I may be grossly unqualified if you wait till you are perfect you will never do anything.

The powers that be have four months to let me know if I passed and if not what areas I need to rework.

Thank you Doris and Chris and Jonelle and Aidan, Alec, Cassy, Kelsey, Calvin, Mary and Matthew. Thank you Ford and Úna and group A and Kathie and everyone else whose fingerprints are on this. Thank you Vickie and Annette for paving the way.

Fair thee well little FedEx package with eighteen months of my life. Yesterday, my friend so sweetly said, I'm praying for the hands that made it and the hands that receive it.

Isn't is good to have friends?


  1. Congratulations on all of your hard work to share with a panel what we in your studio already know so well. Your dedication, patience, insight, and certainly qualifications are a beacon to your students of children and adults alike. I have learned at least as much as my son. Thank you for what you do. Everyday.

  2. You have plenty to share-trust me. My boys always learn so much from you even in such short time frames!


  3. You will pass-I'm celebrating with you. Only 18 months? #jealous 😏

  4. "Just Did It" T- Shirt will arrive in the mail shorty. ;-) We must do what is ours to do and you DID it! Well done.

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