Thursday, July 18, 2019

Eighteen Years of Music and Books and Trains

The kid is eighteen.

Eighteen years ago we headed off to Burnsville Ridges Hospital and came home with a nine pound bundle of conversation joy. At first, Calvin loved music and books and trains....

But then. . . came vacuum cleaners. So many vacuum cleaners.

I didn't know I wanted a boy. I thought I wanted a girl. Then when we had a boy, I thought to myself if I'm gonna have a boy he's going to be a sweet boy.

And he was.

And then I couldn't imagine not having a boy.

And now he will be a sweet man. A good man.

And he still loves music, and books and trains, and he even still loves vacuums a little.

God bless you Calvin!
Happy birthday.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! You did get a "nine pound bundle of (conversation) joy" and we loved, and still love, every single ounce of every single pound of him. Truth be told, I had no idea that I wanted a nephew. Now I have nothing but sympathy for anyone who doesn't have one, and Calvin brings so MUCH love and joy to my life that I thank God for him.
