Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessing

It is Thanksgiving Eve and the kids sang at church and then we had choir practice.  Tomorrow morning choir sings again.  I'm feeling ever so slightly over-churched. . . .but every now and then even when you love it, a gig is still a gig and you must show up.

The themes seem to be gratitude and blessings.  Pastor Kevin's sermon posed gratitude as a metaphorical family member, who accompanies us, all through our lives.  Even it seems--in death.  Perhaps in the end gratitude is the best--or dare I say the only--path through grief.

Pastor Kris' last blog entry ( was about the beatitudes and what we deem as blessings in our lives.  If health, wealth, and wisdom are blessings, are the poor, the sick and the simple unblessed?  Did my Dad's life stop being a blessing when he got sick and died?

Not if we have a God who counts the hairs on our head and calls us by name.
Not if this is not all there is.

We are still blessed.

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