Saturday, August 20, 2011

Recital at the Lake 2011

Linda and Steve hosted our 11th Recital at the Lake.  This event is looked forward to by the children.  To quote Calvin, who couldn't be there today, "it is the best recital of the whole year."  It might not have been the best piano playing of the whole year. . . but that isn't always what it is about.  There were some awesome moments anyhow.  Cassy's and Aidan's duet was really exciting--hold your breath kind of exciting.  Sami's Mozart was stunning and Lena's Boat song was dark and brooding.  Mary pulled off her Bach Minuet in spite of taking so much time off in August, and the little Twinklers are on their way as well.  Musically, the recital serves the purpose of keeping the kids practicing all summer. Yeah!

One of the cool things I always see on this day, is how the older kids watch over and help out the little kids.  Suzuki kids have good hearts.

Another cool thing I see, is friendships that have been going on for close to 13 years now.  These kids have grown up together.  There are new friendships too.   Some friends were not there and we missed them.  

I thought about when these teenagers were little, and now Cassy is giving the little kids jet ski rides.  They were all still sitting around a bon fire when I left.

Food. Friends. Music. Water. Laughing.  Steve and Linda have the gift of hospitality and that gift has blessed so many kids and fostered so many relationships.  Thank you!

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