Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Impact Craters

We spent the weekend in Iowa.  It is a little bleak there with no snow.  The crocus are a little confused, they don't know whether to come up yet or not.  Hang on little sprouts--we're not out of the woods yet.

Happy birthday Daddy.  We miss you.

He would be 72 today.  A young 72.

I was thinking about so many families I know, including my own, and how one teenage pregnancy, one divorce, one drug addiction, one mental illness or one untimely death can cause an impact crater so large it carries on for generations.  At times it seems the circle of pain from one incidence goes on in waves until it touches every persons it comes in contact with.  I started getting bummed out about this.  What if such and such just never happened?  Then where would we all be?  I know I'm not alone in thinking this way.

I thought about my dad and his cancer and how many people it affected.

And then I thought about his life and how many people it affected.

Impact craters go both ways.

One act of kindness, one act of generosity, one great teacher, one well written book, the right words at the right time--one person--in a moment or a lifetime can change the lives of countless people, or even just bring hope to one.

I found out that Tipton Rotary now has the Dave Stephens Community Member of the Year Award.

Daddy, you made a big impact.  I don't know exactly how to do that, but I'm gonna try--to make a difference with my words, my family, my friendships, my teaching--with everything I do.  It won't be the same as you, but with God's help I can be the very best me.  Signed, your Josie-May.

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