". . .the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life."
That is from a Brian Andreas Story People greeting card I have had ready to frame for several months. Check him out at www.storypeople.com. I love it.
Sometimes MY life feels more like a Britney Spears lyric "Whoops, I did it Again. . . " Except I'm not doing whatever she's doing. My sin of the day is overbooking. Habitually. Perhaps it is because I married an airline executive. Ha. I habitually try to fit more in a day than is humanly possible. Sometimes I get a rush of adrenaline from this, but often it leaves me in a heap on the floor at the end of the day. Something or someone is gonna get bumped.
When I complain about being hopelessly over busy, my gracious husband reminds me that we are not victims of our lifestyle. We have choices. Most of us have choices. (I'm not talking about single moms and jobless people and people who are abused. . etc) I'm talking about most of us suburban families. He reminds me that we could move from house and garden to a simpler townhouse. We could change our lifestyle in such a way that I could be a stay at home mom. The kids aren't required to do piano, gymnastics, swimming, or even church. He could take a less challenging job that was less rewarding but also less stressful. We have choices. In the olden days. . . families lived in a house on a street with one car and one parent working. Their kids went to safe public schools where they could meet their potential. People survived without computers and cell phones and high-definition TVs. Kids walked or rode their bikes to their activities. They got by with a lot less. Less money, less activities, less stuff, less responsibility. We have choices.
When reminded of the reality of our choices, I realize that I really wouldn't change a thing. I love my family, I love teaching, I love our home--I love my life. I find value in the activities and obligations we have chosen. Sometimes we choose something for awhile and then realize that it doesn't add value to our life. I am constantly assessing and reevaluating our schedule. Some activities turn out to not be in line with our values and we let them go. We all have occasional weeks where we are in a heap on the floor at the end, but we can't sustain it as a lifestyle.
I still have too much to do this week--deadlines for S.A.M. and the Piano Teachers Guild--stuff to keep my own studio running smoothly. Sleep, exercise, practice, groceries. And those two little people who live with me are needing some attention too.
But--when given a choice--I wouldn't change a thing.
There is exactly enough time for the important things in my life.
I love the quote! What a perfect reminder - thanks for sharing!